Sound Sets / Urban Butcher Beats

90 urban butcher beats

Urban Butcher Beats

Category: Sound Sets
Genres: Hip Hop/Urban

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Price: 4.99 USD Add To Cart

The Urban Butcher Beats Soundset contains 32 prime cut, all beef breaks. Oozing with funk n grit n groove these beats take you back, with the real old school hip hop vibe without being the same old same olds. So if you need it, it´s right here.


Included sounds (click to preview)

90 Beat Airy
90 Beat Beef
90 Beat BoomnBap
90 Beat Boyrdee
90 Beat Brisket
90 Beat Burger
90 Beat Cainister
90 Beat Clacker
90 Beat Creep
90 Beat CrowdedCrib
90 Beat Decker
90 Beat Dust
90 Beat FlapJack
90 Beat Flusterd
90 Beat FonkFoot
90 Beat Froghead
90 Beat Grinder
90 Beat Hackd
90 Beat Jammer
90 Beat Mashed
90 Beat OogaChug
90 Beat Phython
90 Beat PitPat
90 Beat PumpBiz1
90 Beat PumpBiz2
90 Beat PumpBiz3
90 Beat Radiac
90 Beat SlidersB
90 Beat Tater
90 Beat Thickfonk
90 Beat Wellington
90 Beat Wellington2