Category: Sound Sets
Genres: Electronica
BPM: 140 BPM
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Price: 4.99 USD Add To Cart
GlitchStep is not a pure construction kit but a collection of unique loops and sounds that can be used in a variety of cutting edge EDM styled music. The GlitchStep soundset includes 28 files of bass, beats, synths and FXs.
Included sounds (click to preview)
140 Bass DanzerGS C |
140 Bass FuzzfaceGS C |
140 Bass OrganixGS C |
140 Bass RhyexGS C |
140 Bass SoliquidGS C |
140 Bass chainsawGS C |
140 Beat Biggins GS |
140 Beat Blender GS |
140 Beat Boomverk GS |
140 Beat Bumpout GS |
140 Beat Glitched GS |
140 Beat Grindslip GS |
140 Beat Orion GS |
140 Beat ZombieLite GS |
140 FX Smokey GS C |
140 FX Wuzzer GS C |
140 Perc Slinkker GS |
140 Perc Topout GS |
140 Synth BigCat GS C |
140 Synth Cutty GS C |
140 Synth Dripper GS C |
140 Synth Easee GS C |
140 Synth Fazeout GS C |
140 Synth OPaddy GS C |
140 Synth Plukker GS C |
140 Synth RaveStabz GS C |
140 Synth Spacetwirl GS C |
140 Synth Twankle GS C |