Sound Sets / Trap South

Trap south 70bpm

Trap South

Category: Sound Sets
Genres: Hip Hop/Urban

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Trap South is the 26 loop set of beats, basses, synths and voices of cinematic hip hop. Dark and deep as a starless night on a rural southern highway one step away from the law.


Included sounds (click to preview)

70 Beat Factotum TS
70 Beat Kreep TS
70 Beat Myst TS 1
70 Beat Myst TS 2
70 Beat Myst TS 3
70 Beat Ramblez TS
70 Clap TS
70 FX Air Chant Ebm1
70 FX Trumpet TS Ebm
70 HiHat Drum Stem 1
70 HiHat Drum Stem 2
70 HiHat Drum Stem 3
70 Kick 808 Tonal TS
70 Kick Drum Stem
70 Piano TS1 Ebm
70 Piano TS2 Ebm
70 SynthBrass TS Ebm
70 SynthString TS Ebm
70 Synth GlideGate Ebm1
70 Synth Putaingue Ebm1
FX Snare Fill TS
FX Transition Airpan TS
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